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Volcanoes of Europe (excl. Iceland and Jan Mayen)

Updated: Jul 1, 2024 08:54 GMT -
- Volcanoes of Iceland
- Jan Mayen and other volcanoes in the N Atlantik
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Armenia (9 volcanoes)

Akhuryan Valley | Aragats | Ghegam | Porak | Shamiram Plateau | Tskhouk-Karckar | Unnamed | Unnamed | Vaiyots-Sar

Czechia (1 volcano)

Cheb Basin volcanic area

France (13 volcanoes)

Axial Chain | Chaîne des Puys | Fatu Hiva | Hiva Oa | Monts Caraïbes | Moorea | Pitons de Carbets | Rurutu | Septentrional Chain | Tahiti-Iti | Tahiti-Nui | Terre de Bas | Unnamed

Georgia (6 volcanoes)

Dzau | Kabargin Oth | Kasbek | Keli Highland | unnamed | unnamed

Germany (6 volcanoes)

East Eifel Volcanic Field | Kaiserstuhl | Laacher See | Rodderberg | Siebengebirge | West Eifel Volcanic Field

Great Britain (5 volcanoes)

Centre Hills | Gough Island | Inaccessible Island | Pitcairn | Silver Hills

Greece (13 volcanoes)

Aegina | Antiparos | Kolumbo | Kos | Methana | Milos | Nisyros | Poros | Santorini | Sousaki | Sporades | Volos-Atalanti | Yali

Hungary (3 volcanoes)

Bakony-Balaton Highland | Little Hungarian Plain | Nograd-Southern Slovakia

Italy (41 volcanoes)

Acquasparta | Alicudi | Amiata | Campi Flegrei (Phlegrean Fields) | Campi Flegrei Mar Sicilia | Colli Albani | Cupaello | Etna | Filicudi | Gaeta Bay Volcanic Field | Iblei | Ischia | Linosa | Logudoro | Marsili Seamount | Monte Vulture | Monti Ernici | Oricola-Carsoli | Palinuro | Panarea | Pantelleria | Polino | Pontine Islands | Radicofani | Roccamonfina | Sabatini Complex | Salina | San Venanzo | Torre Alfina | Ustica | Ventotene | Vesuvius | Vico-Cimino Complex | Vulsini | Lipari | Stromboli | Vulcano

Netherlands (1 volcano)

Northern Centres

Portugal (15 volcanoes)

Madeira | Agua de Pau | Corvo | Don Joao de Castro Bank | Fajã de Cima | Fayal | Flores | Furnas | Graciosa | Monaco Bank | Pico | Picos Volcanic System | São Jorge | Sete Cidades | Terceira

Romania (4 volcanoes)

Apuseni Mountains | Ciomadul | Lucaret Basalts | Persani Mountains

Slovakia (3 volcanoes)

Central Slovakia | Nograd-Southern Slovakia

Spain (11 volcanoes)

Calatrava | Cofrentes | Columbretes, Islas | Olot Field | El Hierro | Fuerteventura | Gran Canaria | La Gomera | La Palma | Lanzarote | Tenerife

Turkey (25 volcanoes)

Acigöl-Nevsehir | Akyarlar | Ararat | Arpacay | Ceyhan-Osmaniye | Erciyes Dagi | Etrusk | Girekol | Gölcük | Göllü Dağ | Hasan Dagi | Karaca Dağ | Karadağ | Karapinar | Karasu Rift | Kargapazari Dagi | Kars | Kenger | Kisir Dagi | Koruhüyüğü | Kula | Nemrut Dagi | Sandal | Süphan Dağ | Tendürek Dağ

Satellite images of volcanoes in Southern Europe

Methana Volcano Peninsula
Methana Volcano Peninsula
Kameni Volcano (Santorini)
Kameni Volcano (Santorini)
Nisyros Volcano
Nisyros Volcano
Volcanoes & Earthquakes - new app for Android
Guaranteed tours
8-24 Jul 2024: Volcanoes and Spices - Sulawesi/Halmahera (Indonesia)
14-21 Sep 2024: Almonds, Olives and Volcanoes - Nisyros Island (Greece)
7-22 Oct 2024: From Krakatau to Bali - Java (Indonesia)
12-20 Oct 2024: From Stromboli to Etna - Sicily and Eolian Islands (Italy)
17-30 Nov 2024: Desert, salt and volcanoes - Danakil desert (Ethiopia)
3-17 Oct 2025: Volcanoes of Italy - the Grand Tour - Naples, Eolian Islands, Etna (Italy)
= spaces available   = guaranteed   = few spaces left   = booked out
Latest news
Sat, 29 Jun 2024, 09:41

Etna volcano update: lava spattering in Voragine builds new cone

Vigorous spattering from the intra-crater vent in Voragine on 28 June 2024 (image: Giò Giusa /
Strombolian activity inside the Voragine crater continues without significant change. Near-continuous, vigorous lava spattering was observed last evening, ejecting molten lava pieces to a few tens of meters height. ... Read all
Thu, 27 Jun 2024, 17:01

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Recent earthquakes under Terceira island (past 30 days), clustering under the Santa Barbara volcano
The Institute of Volcanology of the University of the Azores (IVAR) increased the volcanic alert level of Santa Barbara volcano on Terceira Island to V3 on a scale ranging from V0 (green, normal) to V6 (red, erupting). The decision came after a new seismic crisis has been affecting the western part of the island since June 24, 2022, continues, with a current tendency of increasing. ... Read all
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