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La Palma volcano eruption update: new lava flow travels to Las Manchas, destroying power plant and cemetery

Do, 25. Nov 2021, 17:41 | VON: T
New lava flow on La Palma today (image: Gobierno de Canarias)
New lava flow on La Palma today (image: Gobierno de Canarias)
Current seismic signal LP01 station (image: IGN)
Current seismic signal LP01 station (image: IGN)
Tremor amplitude from the eruption so far (image: INVOLCAN / Twitter)
Tremor amplitude from the eruption so far (image: INVOLCAN / Twitter)
Seismic activity and cumulative energy during the past 14 days
Seismic activity and cumulative energy during the past 14 days
Activity had been weaker throughout the night and less lava was visible at night compared to previous days, but this changed dramatically in the morning: at around 9 a.m. local time, an episode of sudden increase in the emission of lava occurred at the main effusive vent, and around 11 o'clock, from some of the most eastern emission points, a new voluminous and very liquid lava flow began to pour out towards the southwest, traveling parallel to the previous flow labeled #10.
The new lava flow quickly reached the southernmost end of the existing flow field and invaded new land, destroying a photovoltaic station and the Las Manchas cemetery. Although its advance has slowed down to about 25 m per hour later in the day, it is still threatening other urbanized areas, all of which have already been evacuated.
Apart from this new lava flow, also the earlier flows number 7, 5 and 1 continued to be active. The increase in the lava emission rate also resulted in an increase of lava channels and overflows of the other lava flows that have been active in the past days in the area between flows #4 and #7 near La Laguna and around the NE zone of the Todoque Mountain.
No or only little lava seems to be currently reaching the sea entries, but this can change quickly, especially if the new flow remains active. At the cone, near-continuous mild fountaining and dense ash emissions from the main vents have been producing ash plumes rising up to 4,800 m elevation and drifting over to the east side where the airport remains out of operations.
Ground deformation showed a slight decrease since yesterday and while earthquakes have picked up a little bit, but no quake above magnitude 3.9 has occurred in the past 24 hours. In total, there were 12 quakes of magnitude 3.0-3.9 and 20 quakes between 2.0-3.0.

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La Palma Vulkan
shield volcano 2426 m
Canary Islands, 28.58°N / -17.84°W
Aktueller Status: normal / ruhend (1 von 5) Ausbrüche des La Palma:
2021 (Sep - ongoing), 1971, 1949, 1712, 1677-1678, 1646, 1585
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